Thursday, September 15, 2005

And you walk on...

..notwithstanding how few people around you match the wavelength.

Now, that statement can be interpreted in a multizillion ways, based on the context it's used in..can be arrogance (which I never denied am not), the favourite excuse of a compulsive loner ( right again ), or confusion of a shameless narcissist ( no comments).

But have not many choice either, if I happen to be what I am. I am not an ever-smiling friendly face in the office for example, and so people are happy keeping a safe distance. So am I having made my point clear. I was therefore a bit irritated, when a conversation started just by my desk on whether the custom of dowry is fine. Now, while on the way to solve a high severity bug, shameless battering at the next desk on whoz going to bag a crore can get quite obnoxious. Mind wanders, in a zigzag, from your computer screen to the social fabric of India two thousand years back, its metamorphosis into an urban 21st century optimistic emerging world power. Here I pause, listen to my projectmate, an educated urban 21st century indian engineer, actually trying to justify how dowry remains a proud custom that reminds him of his roots and also catch the grief in his voice for not having been born an upper cast...!

The first time I read 'India:a wounded civilization' by a young prolific V.S.Naipaul, I felt an outright repulsion towards a mind, that then seemed had been too harsh on a culture he never had opportunity to observe closely. But, I wonder now if I made a wrong judgement. So, yes, I now can comment on the third interpretation of the statement I began this with. That am not confused enough to state that I am confused.

So, better not confuse you further while I take a leave. Do think about it...

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